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Want to focus on car enthusiasts? Our automotive lists can be customized to find new car buyers, antique car enthusiasts and more. Our Senior Citizen and Baby Boomer Data is compiled through Public Records, Census Data, Credit Bureau Information + Multiple Proprietary Data Sources for Direct Mail, Telemarketing & Email Broadcasting. Our Mortgage Database is ideal for Mortgage Companies & Loan Officers who need to contact Homeowners with High-Interest Rates, who are in need of a Refinance.

We currently have on our USA Hispanic Database a little over 12.5 Million Hispanic Households and over 20 Million Individuals who have Hispanic Surnames. We provide one-on-one solutions to identify strategic, targeted markets. Don't rely on self-serve lists when you can have a highly trained, experienced data specialist work with you deliver Accurately Targeted Marketing Campaigns with Competitive Pricing.

Our extensive Database Products, Print and Mail Services and Direct Marketing Data Expertise will help reach your potential customers via Print, Telemarketing and Email.
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Mailing lists are one the key strategies used by the top businesses to reach new or potential markets.
Using laser-targeted lists can better deliver new customers that are more likely to not only buy your products or services, but also keep coming back again and again.
At Datamasters, we use only the best market intelligence software available and can precisely target your demographic.
Direct mail, using mailing lists, is still one of the best way to drive traffic to your business.
Software is wonderful if you know how to use it.
Direct mail vs EDDM is a decision that many business owners face when deciding how they would like to advertise.
Both options offer benefits and limitations for the company.
The best place to start when making a decision about using direct mail or EDDM is learning the ins and outs of both options.
The professional team at DataMasters wants to help your company with their advertising needs.
We have a lot of experience in working with both direct mail and EDDM techniques.
Let our experience help guide you to the option that is going to be best for your company.
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